Integrative health and well-being coaching, holistic nutrition, and somatics for body, mind, and spirit.
Develop your inner resources to cultivate resilience and vitality as you journey toward health.
Currently offering online integrative wellness coaching, nutritional therapy, and somatic resilience sessions via Zoom.
Sometimes, the paths we travel can get a little rough to navigate alone…
As we adapt to changing landscapes around us, some of us may find it’s not so easy to “go it alone”, especially when it comes to maintaining our inner composure and balance. We might like to continue moving toward our goals despite health issues or a recent diagnosis. Or perhaps we’re orienting to new rhythms of work and life due to fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue. What if you had all the tools you need to get back on track to where you want to be? Or a detailed map of how to get there based on first-hand experience? Imagine what becomes possible with a bit of extra support when you no longer have to walk alone on your path to healing.
Meet Marla, an expert guide at navigating pathways to somatic resilience, stress reduction, and well-being.
Marla Hanken is an experienced Structural and Somatic Bodyworker, Health and Wellness Coach, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and Movement Instructor, with a background in both Eastern and Western healing modalities. She draws from her substantial depth and breadth of experience and knowledge to co-create integrative wellness programs with each client, cultivating key aspects of resilience, well-being, and vitality based on one’s chosen focus for the work. If you are struggling to heal from a complex constellation of health issues, stress, and chronic depletion, Marla can help you.
Are you ready to take the next step on your journey toward health, wellness, and vitality?
Schedule a 20-minute complimentary consultation with Marla to discuss your individual goals for our work together as well as options and possibilities for next steps on your path to wellness, vitality, and somatic resilience. If you’re ready to get started now, you can also purchase a 3-session introductory package that includes an in-depth wellness assessment to help illuminate and map out a clear path toward your goals. Existing clients are welcome to schedule 50- or 90-minute follow-up sessions online.

“The work has been life transforming for me.”
— C.A., Alameda, CA
“I really enjoyed how collaborative working with Marla was. If you are committed to doing the work, Marla will give you all the tools, bodywork, and guidance necessary for incredible results.”
— O.E., San Francisco, CA
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