Take wellness coaching to the next level with bio-individualized nutrition and supplement recommendations.
Foundational support for lasting change.
Harmonizing with her role as a wellness coach, as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Marla is here to support your goals on your journey to health, assisting you in finding and developing the resources you need to empower yourself on your path to vitality and well-being. Nutritionally focused sessions highlight practical methods for supporting wellness at a foundational level using nutrient-dense whole foods and a bio-individualized approach. Sessions can also interweave educational topics based on your interests, from making healthy food choices when eating out to increasing the nutrient content of the foods you choose via methods such as lacto-fermentation. Whichever route you choose, Marla is here to guide you on your path and shine a light on potentially valuable and time-saving roads-less-traveled.
Why focus on the foundational aspects of nutrition?
Due to the fast pace of our modern world, many of us tend to look for “quick fixes” and temporary symptom relief without necessarily looking closely at root causes, perpetuating factors, and the foundational aspects of wellness that support overall health. By working with the interplay between specific nutrients and your individual physiology—in terms of digestion, sugar handling, mineral balance, fatty acid balance, and hydration levels—we can begin to address your wellness concerns at a body level, from the ground up, in a truly bio-individual way while also working “top-down” at the level of the mind (habits, behaviors, beliefs about food and body, etc.) via coaching.
Here is a simple analogy to illustrate how this works: if your house had a cracked wall, as well as some settlement and cracks in the foundation, which would you fix first? Fixing the wall and ignoring the foundation (or not noticing the issue there in the first place) would be a bit like addressing the symptom without also looking at the root cause of the problem. In that case, you might find yourself doing a lot of wall repairs in the future, or even progressing to more and more repairs in other areas if the foundation was not addressed and continued to deteriorate. Alternately, if you first take the time to look at the whole house and its surrounding environment, you’ll more easily notice the foundation-level issues. By choosing to address the foundation first, it solves the problem from the ground up and can help avoid ongoing issues in the future.
Similarly, supporting the body at a foundational level helps to fill in any “cracks” in your base of self-support by supplying the body with the nourishment it needs to correct chronic nutrient depletions that can affect normal, healthy functioning. The innate intelligence of the body is already oriented toward healing, and by offering it the nutritional building blocks that support proper physiological function and natural healing, repair, and self-regulatory processes, you can strengthen your foundation and support your wellness journey with each bite of thoughtfully-chosen food you eat.
Here’s an overview of each nutritional/physiological foundation we can focus on, along with some examples of how including them in our work together can offer additional support on your journey toward resilient well-being:
Six Foundations of Health & Wellness
To build real health, we need to eat real foods. Modern agriculture has reduced the viability of our soil and the nutrient content it confers to our food, and consumption of refined oils, low-fat substitutes, and highly-processed food products have left many of us with nutritional depletions underlying our various day-to-day concerns like indigestion, weight gain, stiffness, inflexibility, headaches, irritability, brain fog, and fatigue—the kinds of things we begrudgingly live with because we have been told they are just part of aging. We can begin to rebuild what is missing by choosing foods like pasture-raised meats, wild-caught seafood, organically grown produce, and nourishing fats like butter, beef tallow, and virgin coconut oil. However, even if we get ahold of high-quality foods and take the time to prepare them properly (e.g. soaking grains and beans to neutralize phytates and other anti-nutrient factors that inhibit the assimilation of nutrients by the body), absorption may still not be happening as easily or readily as one might think. This leads us directly into the more physiological aspects of nutrition described below…
We are what we can absorb and assimilate, not just what we eat. The building blocks our bodies are made of come directly from the foods we consume. If our digestive system is functioning well, we can break those foods down, absorb their vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, and shuttle those nutrients to where they’re needed in the body (like sending calcium to the bones instead of the kidneys!). Nutrient depletions, digestive dysfunction, and symptoms like gas, bloating, or constipation often go hand-in-hand, but by giving some attention to simple and often-overlooked basics, you can disrupt old patterns and begin to restore health from the ground up. By supporting proper function at each step along the digestive tract’s winding path—from chewing habits to stomach acid to fat digestion to the balance of flora in one’s gut microbiome—you can begin to discover actionable, self-empowering ways to listen to your body and supply it with the precise nutrients it needs to function at its best.
Our bodily responses to the specific foods and carbs we eat affect not only our blood sugar but also our energy levels, metabolism, and mood day-to-day. Supporting healthy energy levels with targeted nutritional recommendations and by fine-tuning the balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in your diet can help you go from feeling depleted to feeling energized in a more sustainable way. By optimizing blood sugar handling from a foundational standpoint—minimizing the up-and-down swings of sugar “highs” and “crashes”—you may also find you’re able to let go of a stubborn food craving or an afternoon coffee habit you’ve developed over the years. Addressing this foundation can also support and enhance wellness coaching work around stress management, relationship to food and body, increasing vitality, and cultivating somatic resilience.
Whereas carbohydrates provide us with quick short-term bursts of energy, like the kindling that ignites a fire, having the right balance of fatty acids like omega-3, 6, and 9 can offer us long-burning energy built for endurance, like the larger logs that allow a campfire to radiate warmth and light for hours. The fats we choose to consume also factor into the flexibility and integrity of our body’s structure (joints, spine, muscles, etc.), all the way down to the cellular level, as well as practical concerns like hormone balance, feeling satisfied at the end of a meal, and optimizing brain function. Together with blood sugar handling, fatty acid balancing can also offer support around food cravings and managing inflammation.
If you’ve seen me for structural bodywork or Pilates sessions at the office, we may have discussed back issues, popping/clicking joints, or over-stretched/overly-mobile joints. Did you know that there may also be nutritional factors contributing to these issues? Mineral depletions or imbalances can factor in here because minerals influence muscle contraction/relaxation, nerve function, and bone health on a foundational level. By working with these connections, holistic mineral balancing can blend and meld effectively with somatically-oriented work as part of your overall wellness plan by offering nutrition-based support for the healthy function and structure of your connective tissues, fascia, joints, muscles, and bones.
Given that our bodies are 55-60% water, it is truly the most important nutrient we consume and is required for many essential processes like oxygen and nutrient transport in the body. Staying hydrated—with consideration for electrolyte balance to increase absorption to the tissues as well as at a cellular level—can reduce food cravings and boost energy, mood, and performance day-to-day.
Blend nutrition & coaching or choose a primary focus:
Nutritional Focus
If your goals center primarily around healthy eating, finding nutrition-based support for concerns such as bloating, fatigue, headaches, joint discomfort, digestive issues, hormonal balance, etc., or if you are seeking to customize a food elimination trial or implement a therapeutic diet such as the Autoimmune Protocol or Autoimmune Paleo (AIP), then you may benefit from a nutritional focus to our work together.
Coaching Focus
If you are working on implementing a variety of healthy nutrition and lifestyle shifts, whether that’s as a result of a recent diagnosis, life change, fitness goal, or simply seeking to enhance your overall wellness and vitality, a coaching focus can be beneficial especially if you are primarily interested in updating old habits/behavior patterns and transforming limiting beliefs around food, body, sleep, stress, and movement.
Integrative Approach
An integrative approach blends and melds nutrition, coaching, focused changework, and somatics together into a unified whole, with ongoing attention and focus on both your short- and long-term wellness goals. Depending on where you are at in your personal health journey, it may be beneficial to commit to 90-minute sessions to support deeper exploration, learning, and transformation during each visit.
Walk through a Nutritional Therapy series…
Using tools and resources like an extensive 321-question Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ), food and mood journaling, and a spacious 90-minute initial interview session that offers ample time to dive deeply into all the details, we’ll explore potential goals, health history, current eating habits and food-related patterns, as well as lifestyle areas that may be contributing to the road you have traveled thus far. From the very first session, you’ll be armed with resources and actionable steps to help you take charge of your wellness on a foundational level.
Based on what we discover together during our first visit, we may have many options in front of us to choose as a starting point for our journey together during our second session. By thoughtfully selecting a few initial goals and attainable nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations, we can adjust and build momentum as we go along. A series can be open-ended or a set number of sessions depending on your individual goals and preferences for our work together, weaving together nutritional therapy, coaching, NLP, and somatics as needed to help you reach your goals smoothly. Depending on your level of motivation and capacity to integrate changes into your daily routines, series are generally 3 to 6 months in length, with options for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions based on the level of support desired.
Exploration is a key to truly understanding one’s inner landscape. With many useful and efficient tools to gather self-knowledge—from intuitive eating explorations to elimination trials and nutritionally-oriented testing to tracking signs of imbalance and positive shifts toward balance—each step along the path informs and educates the next as we bring what was once obscured into view. With spacious 50-minute follow-up sessions (compared to traditional 15-30 minute nutrition follow-ups), there is always plenty of time for discussion, coaching, learning, and solution-finding for any challenges that come up as you continue moving toward your wellness goals.
With each step we take—guided by the wisdom of the body—your inner landscape will shift, evolve, and illuminate as we continue working together to support your nutrition and health goals at a foundational level. Periodically re-mapping the terrain via the NAQ and various direct-access testing options will help us strategize additional pathways to success as you move from where you are to where you want to be. Over time, you’ll build a robust and flexible groundwork for well-being, empowering you to live your best life with energy, vitality, and resilient inner strength.