A truly integrative approach to cultivating resilience and vitality as we journey toward health.
No one fits into a single therapeutic “box”.
At Forest Path, we create space and offer support for integrative, collaborative healing experiences. Marla is happy to be a valuable part of your healthcare and well-care team, and she has a knack for organizing complexity into understandable maps with achievably-sized steps toward measurable goals. Where we travel with our work is something we’ll strategize and co-create together as we move through each session. Here are a handful of elements we can explore and work with on your journey toward wellness:
Improving Response to Stress
Adapting one of the toolkits Marla weaves into her in-person sessions, the online version of this work supports the discovery and nurturance of a more embodied sense of ease in flowing with the changes life offers us. Especially useful in our current climate, you can begin to shift from stress “management” to better self-regulation of your stress response and an empowering sense of resilience when facing daily stressors.
Cultivating Somatic Resilience
Improving one’s relationship with the body through the felt-sense can help foster a supportive inner environment in which new healing can occur. An online adaptation of one of Marla’s most popular in-person offerings, somatic resilience sessions aid in cultivating inner awareness, connection, and rapport with somatic systems under chronic stress (e.g. digestive, immune, nervous system).
Autoimmune & Digestive Wellness
Marla has experience supporting clients who are considering or are currently implementing various therapeutic diets or elimination trials, including the Autoimmune Protocol or Autoimmune Paleo (AIP), and is well-versed in the practicalities of various nutritional and lifestyle-based shifts that can help improve digestive function—a key foundational step on any journey toward autoimmune wellness.
Transforming Old Habits & Patterns
Recovery from chronic issues (and even just living in our current world!) requires a certain amount of flexibility, fluidity, and adaptability to change. Advanced wellness coaching, NLP, and hypnotherapy techniques can assist you with more easily transforming old habits and more comfortably adopting newer, healthier patterns in your day-to-day work and personal life as you make progress on your healing journey.
Nourishing Movement & Strength
Learning to balance restorative movement with quality rest can be a key factor in the healing process, especially for “Type A” personalities. Attending to movement (rather than exercise) can also be a valuable mindset shift when seeking to develop motivation or to resolve mental or physical “roadblocks” to improving strength and fitness steadily while recovering from chronic fatigue or other health issues.
Boosting Energy, Vitality, & Mood
If you need caffeine, sugar, or chocolate just to get through each day, know that chronically-stressed body systems can lead to depletion and perpetuate fatigue. Fueling your body with deep nutrition and developing skills for self-regulation of the stress response can assist you in restoring your own internal balance over time, freeing up more energy to enjoy the activities you love, sustainably in the long-term.
Mending Relationship with Food
If you are struggling with maintaining healthy eating habits, food cravings, or weight, then cultivating inner awareness and an intuitive felt-sense of what your body truly needs can be a powerful step toward building a better relationship with food. By exploring and gaining a deeper understanding of the body-mind-spirit aspects of food- and weight-related behaviors, you can begin to unravel any limiting beliefs or habit patterns that may be holding you back from reaching your health and wellness goals related to food and body.
Your Unique Wellness Goals
As a health coach, nutrition practitioner, and somatic bodywork/movement teacher, Marla can help you navigate a wide variety of wellness goals and pathways toward health. Perhaps you'd like some extra support as you begin to implement changes recommended by your doctor, or maybe you're a "big-picture" person who would like assistance developing the steps that will help you get to where you know you'd like to be. If you're curious about how we can work together to achieve your specific wellness goals, feel free to reach out.
Learn More…
Detailed answers to commonly asked questions about our various offerings can be found on our Q&A page →
Bio-Individualized Nutritional Support & Recommendations
Expand your wellness coaching sessions to include holistic nutritional support tailored to your specific health concerns, either as your primary focus or as a supplemental aspect of your overall wellness plan. If you have symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, joint discomfort, bloating, or digestive issues, Marla can help you find and address any nutritional needs that may factor into the functional “roots” of what you are experiencing. By utilizing nutrient-dense whole foods and personalized supplement recommendations aligned with and supportive of your bio-individuality, you can begin to actively nourish your body from the ground up, supporting your body’s natural healing and repair functions on a foundational level, every step of the way as you journey toward health, wellness, and vitality.
In-Depth Wellness Assessments
Every new client begins with a comprehensive introductory package that includes an in-depth wellness analysis and report of findings, customized educational resources and recipes, as well as detailed bio-individualized recommendations for beneficial lifestyle shifts, somatic practices, and nutritional changes that can help you move more swiftly toward your specific wellness goals. Starting with a supportive foundation of lifestyle, nutrition, and somatic recommendations creates fertile ground for transformation and progress, regardless of where our wellness coaching journey takes us next. Here’s what an introductory series entails:
2 x 90-minute introductory sessions +
1 x 50-minute follow-up session
We start with a spacious 90-minute initial interview session, where we’ll also clarify goals, discuss helpful resources, and strategize foundational support and resilience-building techniques
We follow up with a session devoted to reviewing the findings of your wellness analysis and custom-tailoring a detailed protocol with additional information and recommendations based on your goals
We round out the introductory series with a 50-minute follow-up session focused on implementation support for your protocol
In-depth nutrition & wellness analysis
321-question Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire and symptom survey
7-day Food/Mood/Lifestyle Journal
Review of functional lab results
A full 60+ minutes of Marla’s pre-session prep time is dedicated to reviewing your paperwork before the initial interview session, organizing your wellness goals, concerns, potential nutritional depletions, lifestyle/habits, functional lab patterns, and other factors, and outlining possible options and recommendations for the best routes to get you from where you are to where you want to be
Custom-tailored resources & support
A pair of detailed resource documents for you to reference going forward on your journey toward health (customized educational materials and foundational, somatic, and stress management recommendations after the first session; custom wellness plan/protocol with nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations after the second)
After the second session, you'll also receive a custom recipe booklet PDF, snack suggestions, and a 7-day custom meal plan based on your bio-individual nutritional needs, specific wellness goals, and any known food sensitivities
After your introductory sessions and in-depth wellness analysis, which establishes a strong foundation of supportive nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to help clear a path to your goals, follow-ups are $175 per 50-minute session or $295 per 90-minute session.
Note: The cost of direct-access lab tests or test kits (optional, but often recommended) are not included in the price of this package.

“Each session was its own experience yielding obvious results.”
— T.B., San Jose, CA